AGES: 5-12

The Jones Center is offering its popular Learn to Play Basketball class for kids who want to develop skills in a relaxed, welcoming environment. This instructor-led class teaches the basics of passing, dribbling and shooting. Cost is $40/month; $5 discount for online registration (link below).

WHERE: The Jones Center Gymnasium
WHEN: 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
COST: $40 per month/$5 discount for online registration
AGES: 5-12

Basketball: Intermediate skills
AGES: 11+

This program is for children ages 11+ who are looking to build their skills in the sport of basketball. This class is not for beginners, but is intended to be a place for youth to work on their skills and improve their game. Participants will learn to improve their dribbling, shooting and passing abilities alongside building their talents in areas such as awareness, defense and more.

WHERE: The Jones Center Gymnasium
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
COST: $40 per month/ $5 discount for online registration
AGES: 11+

These are monthly classes and registration fees are required each month prior to enrollment.

For more information, please email Recreation Coordinator Zach Dawson or call 479-756-8090 ext. 2168.